50 EASTER MINIATURES BACK TO COLORING BOOKS 50 EASTER MINIATURES: AN EASTER COLORING BOOK, FEATURING 50 ENJOYABLE ILLUSTRATIONS OF ADORABLE EASTER SCENES, LOVELY SPRINGTIME FLOWERS, CUTE BABY ANIMALS, AND MUCH MORE Author: Kameliya Angelkova SEE IT ON AMAZON : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09TBZWQ7D OR READ BELOW FOR MORE INFO, PREVIEW IMAGES AND WATCH THE VIDEO FLIP THROUGH! FEATURES OF THIS BOOK: 50 FANCIFUL, CUTE, AND PLEASING ILLUSTRATIONS! 50 wonderful, hand-drawn Easter-themed designs to keep you full of joy, happy, and free of stress for hours! Ideal for the springtime season: This book has all that makes Easter and spring fests full of bliss! It features spring-related animals, birds, flowers, small homes, doors, and more Clear lineart and not too complicated designs: Most of the drawings in this book are easy on the eye and don’t consume too much time for coloring. Hence the title “miniatures”. However, there are many illustrations with...
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